Client Success Stories

With Hurricane Season approaching and a major storm to hit on the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, United Cajun Navy partnered with Webmark GroupĀ  to help streamline the disaster response approach across social media and eventually redesign their website for functionality and user experience.Ā 

Here's How...

How We Helped This Nonprofit's Disaster Response and Website

The Challenge

The United Cajun Navy reached out to us three weeks before Hurricane Ida knowing that the storm would be devastating to communities across Southern Louisiana. The main goal was to enhance responsiveness across social media to get the right information to the right people already mobilized on the ground ready to assist those in need.Ā 

Following this improved response time, WebMark then did a complete redesign of the UCN website to increase functionality and user experience.Ā 

The Solution

WebMark Group first prioritized streamlining response time across Facebook and Instagram with a modified template of questions and answers to respond more effectively. Minor details would change based on specific questions and locations eventually cutting down response time by 72%.Ā 

After Hurricane Ida, we then looked at the restructuring of the UCN Website. The newly designed website is night and day compared to the previous site and truly reflects what The United Cajun Navy provides to our community while improving User Experience (UX) overall.

Promote and Expand

On top of improving responsiveness and redesigning the website for functionality and experience, WebMark helped promote UCN efforts through Video Production and Email Marketing as shortly after Hurricane Season The United Cajun Navy would have boots on the ground in Ukraine to assist with medical supplies and transportation.

Getting the word out through multiple avenues ensures the success of a nonprofit in the long term.

Like the resultsĀ we produced for The United Cajun Navy?

Workflow + Functionality + Brand Messaging = Guaranteed Success

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